Join me as we discuss:
The two mainstream approaches to couples fighting and kids.
What does Trey say about fighting in front of kids?
Will fighting in front of them screw them up for life…?
Join me as we discuss:
The two mainstream approaches to couples fighting and kids.
What does Trey say about fighting in front of kids?
Will fighting in front of them screw them up for life…?
Join me as we discuss:
A lack of ummph while talking about Fathers Day
How Father’s Day has become about celebrating the meh-parent.
My desire to have Fathers be seen just as excitedly as moms.
A special tribute by Trey to Fathers EVERYWHERE!
You guys have got to check this out! This is going to make my iPod playlist.
Join me as we discuss:
Not solving kids problems, but teaching them how to solve problems.
How letting your kids fail is actually a very good thing!
What is the Teacup Generation and how do we avoid this in our kids.
Dr. Volpitta’s UR Resilient Website
The Resilience Formula – Dr. Volpitta’s book co-authored by Dr. Joel Haber.
The Self-Esteem Trap: – great book on kids feeling entitled and what a lack of resilience can produce.
Join me as we discuss:
An article at Redbook about 30 great things we can be doing with our kids.
How I think that these things are what we SHOULD be doing with our kids.
30 Best Things You Can Do with Your Kid – great article over at Redbook referenced in the article.
Leave me a voicemail (see on the left) and let me know, what do you do to teach your kids delayed gratification.
Join me as we discuss:
*An article on raising happy kids that ROCKED MY FACE OFF!
*How even the silly things I endorse at FPN are backed with research.
*Everything from being positive with kids to taking care of our marriages.
10 Scientific Tips for Raising Happy Kids – articled discussed at LiveScience
Episode 71 Don’t Forget – Keep it Silly
Join me as we discuss:
A Media Monday article on teen pregnancy.
How modern intervention is not working and why that is.
What is me missing component that we can use to prevent pregnancies.
Fighting US’s worst teen pregnancy rate in Miss Article