Join me as we discuss:
What exactly is shaming and and how so many parents turn to it without even thinking.
How most parents condemn the idea of shaming, and then shame their kid.
Why is it such an issue when we know by the definition alone that it sucks for kids?
New ways to approach where we once would shame.
Grant, you should know better son.” “Anna, why in the world did you think it was okay to…” “Cora! What were you thinking babe?!?!?!” All of these are statements that I’ve popped off at one time or another to my kids.
But I think that the question lies in this: would I ever let someone talk to me like that at work? The answer is: it’s unlikely.
Shaming is simply this – compeling our kids through painful emotions resulting from awareness of inadequecy or guilt. Do you know what guilt defines as? Remorse caused by feeling responsible for something. Does ANY OF THIS sound like something you would want to experience? NOOOOOOO!!!!
Today we talk about changing the shame-moster into something that actually grows and teaches kids.
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