Having the sex talk with kids. How the birds and the bees talk can be just as comfortable as talking about literal birds and bees.
How to talk to your younger kids about set.
How to talk about your older kids about set.
What does the Gibson family believe and teach about sex?
First, if you ever want to go down a Google search road of embarrassment and horror, search for sex pics. Not a good idea. Thank you Flickr and your Creative Commons for offering PG “sex pics” search options.
For many parents the birds and the bees talk has become one of the most feared and reviled conversations with our kiddos.
We postpone and put off the conversation hoping that maybe through osmosis our kids will come to understand the concept of intercourse and are quite please when we realize that their school will take them through a sex-ed course.
But what if I told you that the sex-talk didn’t have to be the dreaded conversation we fear?
That it could be as comfortable as talking about their day and that you could teach them how you believe in such a way that they are more likely to follow it? It’s quite possible and find out how today.
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