So I (Trey) am sitting here in bed with a heating pad on my back having just gotten off the phone with Jeff. Jeff in his ever-diligent self has already put together a great set of articles on dealing with anxiety in kiddos so we talked about what happened.
So here’s what happened. Yesterday (Wednesday evening) I was chainsawing a tree branch that fell during some heavy rains we had here in West Texas. As I was stooped over cutting I heard, felt, and saw a “POP!” in my back. Saw it you say? Yes. My vision went white for a few seconds and I had a very hard time getting up while saying, in the most strained words you have ever hear Trey utter…”oh! Mah back!” Now that I think about it, it was a fairly good reenactment of Mr. Incredible when his back popped out of place.
So Jeff and I have discussed that I don’t think I can sit in a chair long enough to record. Not without copious amounts of drugs, which might created a very, very interesting show. Of course, Jeff suggested that I should pop pills and do it anyways…for your entertainment. But instead, I’m going to sit here with my heating pad, drugs, and sharpen some of my blades (strange…I know. But therapeutic for me).
So Jeff and I wish you a very happy weekend and we will see you next week for our Anxiety episode.
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