Join me as we discuss:
*An article written by Glennon at the Huffington Post.
*What I loved about her article.
*What breaks my heart (meant sincerely) about her post.
*How parenting can be great with sprinkles of dread rather than dread sprinkled with good.
Don’t Carpe Diem Article by Glennon
I agreed with most of her post but I too found the overall perspective to be really sad and when I read the post a couple weeks ago it just didn’t speak to me.
When people look at me, parenting my 6 kids (and Lord willing more in the future) and when my children look at me as an example of parenting. I don’t want the perception to be that it is 99% hard and the other 1% makes it worth it. I want it to be the other way around. It is 99% worth it and memorable (even the hard parts) and only 1% (the diapers? ;0) am I happy to forget. That doesn’t mean it is easy, or that I don’t feel like I am losing my mind many days, just that I want to find joy and worth in ALL of it, not just the easy parts.
I found your idea about technique interesting. I don’t want to go so far as to say that if someone feels overwhelmed or that it is 99% hard that they are lacking in technique (though in truth, I am inclined to agree with you and I liked your golf analogy). I see it as perception. I think some people see the parenting gig as that, a gig that they need to ‘get through’ rather than embracing it as their life (which may make them more inclined to look for the blessings in every aspect). Also some people have preconceived notions about how they think it will be, and then they have a rude awakening when they are actually experiencing it.
My dh thinks that people who take offense, or get anxious or nervous when they are told to Carpe Diem are insecure in either themselves or their parenting (maybe goes along with your technique idea) and I think he has a point there too.
I loooove that you have 6 kiddos. You just don’t see that as much. We have 4 and have not decided where we want to stop. While the Duggars family quantity is often considered laughable we’ve thought…eh…maybe. But we both love having kiddos.
Love your ideas on perception and completely agreed. Some of what is hard in parenting just is hard…regardless of technique. Human nature seems to be one of which we grow the most from struggle and we Americans seem to resist this. But sometimes you just have to see the tough stuff as no big deal or maybe just funny. If nothing else, look ahead and ask yourself if you will not in fact miss the noise in the house one day etc. Great point Kelley.
I agree and believe that perception is very much a part of the technique-part of parenting I’m referencing. I’m actually putting together some show notes for an episode on parental perspective/attitude. Maybe I could have you on as a special guest?
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